
The mission of the Young Masons Lodge has threefold importance: the Vermont Masonic ritual, Masonic education, and fellowship. Each of these areas are equally important to a balanced Masonic experience and the same emphasis should be placed upon each area. The Young Masons Lodge will give the young Vermont Freemasons a place to go with other young Freemasons to spend time with his peers, and share ideas to grow in all of these areas.

Young Masons Lodge Members

Young Masons Lodge Members

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Meeting Minutes 5/21/11

Once again the Young Masons Lodge had quite a meeting! What really strikes me about this Lodge is you can count on alot of great discussion and good laughs. Getting to travel around and meet new Brothers is really something special.

We met in Northfield for our annual meeting which opened in due form at 7:45 pm.

It was immediately moved, seconded and approved that the sitting W.M. and Sec. be put on the Merchant's bank account to eliminate all the hassle we've been having with getting what few bills we have paid and dues deposited. The W.M. elect and Sec. agreed to meet in Barre that week to get their names put on the account.

At 8:00pm the regular meeting was suspended and the annual meeting opened for the nominating committee report. The nominating committee's report was read and a motion was made to accept the nominating committee's report and vote as one ballot. This was done and approved.

The annual meeting then closed and the regular meeting opened at 8:04 pm (might be a record).

The John Barney Award banquet dinner was discussed. It was agreed Brothers Error and Chris will pick a date and location before the next meeting and communicate the details (as in the dinner will occur before the next YML meeting).

The Lodge was put at ease at 8:11 and the Installation of Officers began. The following Officers were installed for the ensuing year:

WM - Chris Allen
SW - Jim Baril
JW - Marion Watkins
Treas. - Mike Reed
Sec. - Tobin Winters
SD - Alex Lehning (appointed but not present)
JD - Pat Perrault

Brother Errol Hinton made a nice comment before installing the new WM Chris Allen. Chris had been with the Lodge from the beginning and worked his way up through the chairs, working very hard for the Young Masons Lodge. His comment recognized this and conveyed that this was really a good part of what the Young Masons Lodge is all about. It gives Young Masons who are interested an opportunity to move through the chairs and gain experience that they might not otherwise have an opportunity to gain.

Our tentative meeting schedule for the rest of the year was discussed. These location and dates need to be confirmed with the respective hosting Lodges and would be followed up on by the newly installed WM Chris Allen.

August 22nd - Bennington
November 28th - St. Johnsbury
February 27th - Williston
May 28th - Northfield (Annual Meeting)

New business was then opened. Items discussed:

Brother Errol Hinton encouraged everyone to attend Grand Lodge as a nationally known speaker Cliff Porter would be there from Colorado to give an exciting talk.

Brother Chris Allen shared that the District 5 Poker tournament would be coming up Aug. 6th and on July 39th there would be a trip to the National Heritage Museum coordinated by the Washington Lodge.

Brother Chris Allen then gave a very motivational speach about leadership, relevance and continued education that can occur beyond the Blue Lodge in appendant bodies like the Scottish and York Rites. It was a very interesting talk that clearly expressed his passion for Masonry and why he is so involved in various Masonic branches and activities.

The Lodge was then closed in ample form at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobin Winters
Secretary, Young Masons Lodge # 111

Sunday, May 22, 2011

February Meeting Minues

February, 28th 2011

After sharing wonderful dinner prepared by the Brothers of Bennington’s Mount Anthony Lodge #13 the Young Masons Lodge #111 was opened in due form at 7:28 p.m.

A motion was made and seconded that because of the nature of the travelling Lodge and that members were from all over the state the Worshipful Master and Secretary (Chris Allen and Tobin Winters) needed to both be on the bank account.

A petition was read and accepted for Brother Alex Lenning of Washington Lodge #3.

A suggestion made by the founding M.W.P.G.M. Calvin Keyler was passed along by the W.M. Errol Hinton since he could not be in attendance to discuss the possibility of the Young Masons Lodge hosting a banquet honoring the recipients of the John Barney Medal. It was thought that we could have a speaker and possibly hold it shortly after Grand Lodge so this year’s recipients could be honored. A tentative date was set for the second Saturday after Grand Lodge, June 25th. Past recipients as well as friends and family would be invited to attend. The current year’s winners would not be charged for the meal. Brother’s Chris, Gary and Bob were set as the banquet committee

The next meeting was discussed. It is the annual meeting to be held on May 23rd in Northfield, VT. The elections and installation of officers would occur at that meeting. The election committee would coordinate the recommended slate of officers. The election committee is Brothers Tobin Winters, Jim Baril and Paul Mosher.

It was discussed that Brother Chris Allen would move to the East as the W.M. for the coming term and there was a need for him to take his Past Masters degree. W.M. Hinton direction the Secretary, Tobin Winters to contact the Secretary of the Past Master’s association in District #5 to see if they can schedule him in.

Brother Chris Allen spoke about the importance of having the new YML Officers at every meeting. They are the driving force of the Lodge and would make the Lodge more successful if we could get the continuity of having officers at most meetings.

Brother Tobin Winters suggested the YML could be a good source of promoting technology and the Internet for Masons in Vermont. He offered to put on a session that offered an overview of how to build a website using free or inexpensive online tools and link it to social networking sites like Facebook. A committee was formed consisting of Tobin Winters, Jim Baril and Errol Hinton to further discuss the idea.

The Lodge was then called at ease to hear a point/counter-point on the “one day classes” by Brother Chris Murphy. He gave detailed examples supporting his ideas ranging from Masonic ritual in the Monitor, to Anderson’s Constitutions, to the Regis Manuscript all the way up to the specific Charge To Candidate. A spirited discussion followed as Brother Murphy closed with “Wisdom is gained through reflection… which takes time.” It was truly a presentation to remember.

Shortly after the Lodge was closed in ample form at 8:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Tobin Winters
Secretary, Young Masons Lodge #111

Friday, May 6, 2011

Annual Meeting - May 23rd - Northfield

It is once again time for the Young Masons Lodge Annual Communication to be held on May 23rd at Dewitt-Clinton Lodge #15 in Northfield, VT. For directions, visit this link: http://goo.gl/maps/5bvt

Potluck dinner at 6:30, meeting at 7:30.

We will hold our Officer Installation and welcome in our new W.M. Chris Allen. Please come, bring a Brother Mason, and show him your support. He will be treating us with a piece of Lodge education that could quite possibly change your life.

We have some exciting business to discuss and move forward with. I will be posting the minutes from our last meeting to refresh everyone's memories soon.

See you then,

Tobin Winters
Secretary, Young Masons Lodge #111